Payment Methods:


bKash: 01877724798 (Personal)

Nagad: 01877724798 (Personal)

Rocket: 01877724798 (Personal)


City Bank

Account: Toronto Travelers Group

Account Number: 1503372100001

Account Branch: Principle Branch

UCB Bank

Account: Toronto Travelers Group

Account Number : 0012101000003071

Account Branch: Motijheel Branch

Dutch Bangla Bank

Account: Touronto Travelers Group

Account Number : 105.1100043015

Account Branch: Motijheel Branch

    • There are 21 bank credit card EMI facilities.
    • Besides, we have accounts in SCB, BRAC Bank and City Bank, which can be known in detail by talking to the admin. Make payment on any of the above and call 01877724798 to confirm the payment. You can deposit money directly or to bKash. Verbal booking is not acceptable. Confirmation must be confirmed in the booking money.